If you happen to stumble upon this site and can help share this, please do so. If ever, it will be of great help to our students who need to participate in online classes. During these trying times, worrying about their load should be the least of their concerns. They have to focus on their own survival. So if we can get telecommunication companies to help them have the resources needed to participate in their online classes, it will be our victory. Thank you!
If you happen to stumble upon this site and can help share this, please do so. If ever, it will be of great help to our students who need to participate in online classes. During these trying times, worrying about their load should be the least of their concerns. They have to focus on their own survival. So if we can get telecommunication companies to help them have the resources needed to participate in their online classes, it will be our victory. Thank you!
Enhanced Community Quarantine for Luzon
1. By virtue of an Executive Order of the Office of the President we will have a Luzon-wide community quarantine.
2. We will have a curfew of 8pm to 5am for non-essential personnel on the streets. Exempted are health care workers, peace and order officers, workers from the night shift of the Processing zones with valid ID’s, and LGU officers.
3. Malls are ordered closed for the duration of the executive order.
4. Restaurants can only accept take-home and delivery services. Dine in is strictly prohibited.
5. Banks, groceries, supermarkets, pharmacies, pawn shops, hardwares, and wet markets will remain open.
6. Fiestas, karakols, parades, and other related public assemblies are cancelled.
7. Common religious congregations are strongly discouraged.
8. Gaming parlors, computer gaming shops, wellness Centers, cockpits arenas, will be closed.
9. Students on OJT are no longer required to report.
10. Needless loitering in the streets at any time of the day will be denied.
11. Public playgrounds, basketball courts, beaches, and public parks will be closed.
12. Public utility offices, Bayad centers, and related financial services will remain open.
13. ‘Tiangges’, open dry good markets, side walk vending, will be closed.
14. This will become effective March 17, at 12:01 am.
Keep safe everyone!
Social Distancing
We are all currently encouraged to do some social distancing as a precautionary measure against COVID-19.
Because of this, I won't be able to meet my classes for several meetings. There has been no final announcement as to whether the schedule of midterm exams will be moved or not. But in the message we were sent late yesterday, midterm exams will still be on March 24 to 27. If that is the case, then my lessons and other activities will have to be uploaded for my students to access.
Northern Blossom (Temporarily) Closed
Starting February 10, 2020 Northern Blossom Flower Farm will temporarily close its doors to tourists and visitors. This is a result of the Executive Order issued by Atok Mayor Raymundo Sarac. All tourism activities in the Municipality of Atok are temporarily suspended (in relation to the threat to public safety of the 2019 Novel Corona Virus). This is only temporary and there is no definite date as to when the suspension will be lifted.
2019 visit to the beautiful flower farm |
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