Not for the Faint-Hearted
I agree that though many of us enjoy freedom of expression, we have to be very careful of what we post especially on social networking sites. I am also aware that this freedom must be accompanied by a great degree of responsibility; that we have to be sensitive to what others will feel blah blah blah!
Wait! This is sooo one-sided! How about the "other side"? I think that it is NOT only those who post but also those who read and (mis)interpret the message also need to be reminded of the Do's and Don'ts.
We keep talking about how foul-mouthed and insensitive some people are with all the posts they have on various social networking sites BUT we continously follow them and even comment on their posts. Perhaps, we have even clicked on SHARE OR LIKE.
We enjoy the sarcasm of certain posts as long as it is not about us ( or at least, think it is not about us) but cry foul when we are offended. We are amused by posts that belittle or malign other people but become belligerent when we become the subject.
Ha! So, you probably follow your irresponsible colleague or classmate for some juicy rumor he/she would post. Or maybe, you follow your insensitive peer or acquaintance for fear that he/she may be posting things about you. Always on the lookout for a post by a co-worker or subordinate which can be used against him/her (and eventually will get him/her terminated). Guilty huh?!
Oh please! Why do you keep wiping your tears with one hand while slapping your face or stabbing yourself with the other?
You do not want what you see on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram? Simple. You can always use your SETTINGS to tailor these (and others too) sites to your liking. There are options like UNFRIEND and UNFOLLOW. This is a no-brainer I suppose!
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